Episode 8: Brandon Goes Home
Brandon Goes Home
official title: The Hidden Immunity Doll
Summary: There is no Reward Challenge as the Survivors create a new name (Xhakum) and a new flag for the newly merged tribe. Tree mail also tells them of a hidden immunity doll. The Immunity Challenge has a Merge Feast twist. Gary prevails and wins Immunity. At Tribal Council Jaime gets four votes but ultimately Brandon is voted off.
After the recap of last week's episode, we join in as Yaxha leave Tribal Council and go to Nakum's camp for the merge. Gary, Danni, Bobby Jon and Brandon all agree to be as nice as they can. Bobby Jon tell us in private that he can't stand Jaime and Stephenie. At Nakum's camp Bobby Jon starts a fire and Jaime starts laying into him. The next day Danni tells us that they do not feel welcomed, that they feel like outsiders. Stephenie tells us that Bobby Jon came to her and asked that she help him to make the jury. She tells us that she will do what she can.
Reward Challenge
Competition: none
Reward: none
They are given a banner and paints and told to come up with a new tribe name and banner. The new name they chose is Xhakum, an amalgam of Yaxha and Nakum.
Hidden Immunity Doll
Tree mail also tells them of a immunity doll hidden somewhere in the jungle. Whoever finds it can use it whenever they want before the final four. It must be presented at Tribal Council before voting starts. This is addition to the regular Immunity Challenges.
The four former Yaxha members - Gary, Danni, Bobby Jon and Brandon - all decide to go fishing. Those left behind cannot believe it and they openly discuss the boot order. Stephenie says it aloud: Brandon, Bobby Jon, Gary then Danni. In confessional Jaime says they have got to protect their investment of blood and sweat. Rafe in private asks rhetorically "Am I a member of an Axis of Evil?"
Immunity Challenge
Competition: Pot Head with Merge Feast Twist
Each Survivor has a choice: either eat at the merge feast table and miss out on Immunity or compete for Immunity and miss eating. The competition would be standing still for an hour with a pot on their head. If necessary, after an hour there would be a tie breaker.
The Eaters: Rafe, Stephenie, Lydia, Jaime
The Competitors: Gary, Brandon, Bobby Jon, Danni, Judd, Cindy
During the competition Jaime and Bobby Jon argued. Basically Jaime was acting like an ass by rubbing it in that they (former Nakum) were all safe and didn't have to compete for Immunity. To his credit Judd didn't say anything and had a look on his face like ' Jaime, would you just shut up.' Rafe is almost at tears and Stephenie tells him it will be ok.
After an hour only Danni is out so there will be a tiebreaker. The remaining Survivors must run up the steps of a pyramid with a pot on their head. Gary is first to the top with his pot atop his head so he wins Immunity.
Scheming is Free
Jaime is chastised by his own allies. Judd (pictured) in particular is very critical of him - to his face and in front of everyone. In private Danni and Cindy both say what a jerk Jaime is. Cindy says he has no class. Rafe says that he doesn't know if he can stand himself and go on being aligned with Jaime. Jaime tells Bobby Jon outright that Brandon's head is on the chopping block.
Bobby Jon tells Brandon that Jaime may now be the one to be voted off. He says Stephenie and Judd are going to vote for him because they are feed up with him. Gary tells Rafe, if we do what's right then it's Jaime who will go.
So, it looks like it will be either Brandon or Jaime to be voted off.
Tribal Council
(paraphrased, not word for word)
Jeff Probst: Rafe what about Jaime at the Immunity Challenge.
Rafe: It was hard to hear.
Bobby Jon: Jaime has no class.
This starts a war of words between BobbyJon and Jaime.
Jeff Probst: Cindy why did you compete? You're with the majority (old Nakum).
Cindy: I can eat when I get back home. I came here to play and compete. [not to mention that she may not be that safe]
Jeff Probst: What do you base your vote on?
Cindy: Morals and my heart do come into play.
Jeff Probst calls for the Hidden Immunity Doll if anyone has it and wants to use it. No takers so it's voting time.
Time to Vote:
Jaime gets 4 votes but Brandon receives 6 votes so he is voted off.
Jeff Probst's Final Thought
Well, you've made it to the final nine, two more until the jury. Eighteen days to go and a lot can happen. Everything you did and will do matters.
Brandon's final words:
I played the game I came out to play. I played for myself. They can take me out but they can't take out my pride.
Please don't tell me it will simply be the Nakumians picking off Bobby Jon, Gary and Danni.
Heroes and Villains
I was rooting for Jaime to be voted off and I had him on my fantasy tribe. The sooner that he is gone the better. Rafe is right he's in an Axis of Evil. Well at least Jaime is evil.
Won Reward: no competition (Hidden Immunity Doll revealed)
Won Immunity: Gary
Voted Off: Brandon