Friday, September 30, 2005

Survivor Live: Brianna

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSurvivor Live: Brianna
Hosts: Dalton Ross and Jenna Morasca
Mystery Caller: Coby from Survivor Palau

On Being Voted Off & General Stuff
She said she was voted off for her bad performance during the Immunity Challenge. She has no excuse for her lazy performance. However she also said that she was exhausted and had "checked out" physically and mentally by the time of the Immunity Challenge. Brianna also does not know why they disliked her so much. She would do it all over again if she had the chance, but next time she would have a strategy going in.

Brianna about Stephenie: She played me good. I liked her up until last night. Stephenie has taken on a leadership role but is getting too bossy. Early on Jaime mentioned voting Stephenie off but everybody just ignored him.

The Others
Yaxha's unity is falling apart. She likes and respects Gary, they share a common faith (anyone know their religion?). She doesn't know why Jaime doesn't like her, a "fight" between them at Tribal Council wasn't aired (she didn't elaborate). Also Jaime was real afraid of the wildlife, especially the bugs and pumas (which they never even saw). She thinks Danni is nice but she didn't have much of a chance to get to know the people on Nakum. Lydia worked hard around camp and that's what's keeping her in the game.

Athletes Alliance?
Brianna said that on the 11 mile hike Stephenie asked her to join an alliance with her, Gary and Amy. Later Rafe said he and Morgan were also in the alliance. Gary told her Morgan would be the first of them to go.

Coby - Mystery Caller
He likes Survivor Guatemala but there's too much Stephenie and Bobby Jon. Coby also likes Cindy and is rooting for her to do well. Rafe - yuch! He's too much like Katie from Survivor Palau. Stephenie - there's no 'I' in team. What's Coby up to now? He's working in a saloon in Texas, er I mean hair salon in Texas and raising baby Janu (adopted, just turned 5 months old). Coby's bio at Survivor web site.

What's Next for Brianna
She's just taking life day by day. She'd love to do something else (TV-related, I assume she means). She is no longer a make-up artist [say it isn't so!] and is a bartender. [The vain and self-conscious lose a make-up artist but the alcoholics gain an enabler.]

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Episode 3: Bye Bye Brianna

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBye Bye Brianna
official title: The Brave May Not Live Long, but the Cautious Don't Live at All

Summary: Nakum win both Reward and Immunity and Yaxha vote off Brianna.

After the recap, at Yaxha Lydia said if she had had her way Brianna would have been voted off instead of Morgan. Brianna tells us that she just doesn't get along well with Lydia. Brian proudly states that he engineered Morgan's ouster last week. Over at Nakum, a howler monkey is driving some of the Survivors nuts with its howl. Judd leads the complaints. Cindy, the zookeeper, thinks it's wonderful - "How can I complain, I wake up and I'm in Guatemala listening to a howler monkey!"

Reward Challenge
Competition: build a tent as a team
Reward: comfort - blankets, lanterns, etc.

Each tribe must build a tent, the first one to do so wins reward. Pieces of the tents are strewn all around and all but one tribe member is blindfolded. The caller for each tribe must direct his tribe-mates to collect the tent parts. After the parts are gathered, the blindfolds are removed and the tent has to be assembled. Gary calls for Yaxha and Brooke for Nakum.

Yaxha builds a slight lead and gets their tent pieces collected first. However they have trouble getting the tent frame together and Nakum win reward!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBack at camp, Stephenie (pictured) says that was one of the easiest challenges yet and they blew it. Amy tells the others that they have to just put it behind them and move on. Amy tells us that working in a police station is "a walk in the park" compared to Survivor. She's never been an outdoor person but she won't give up, she'll do whatever it takes to win. Brianna tells us that she tries to work hard around camp. They all complain about eating so much corn meal. Rafe says they crave anything different - termites anyone? He tries some and pronounces them tastier than the ants. Stephenie is grossed out again.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMeanwhile at Nakum, they enjoy their win a little. Bobby Jon (pictured) it feels good to win, he's not used to it. Judd reminds everyone to enjoy the winning feeling. A lot of them complain about the heat and decide to take the boat and go for a swim despite the crocodiles. Brandon tells us that they should "live on the edge a little bit. The brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all." [hey, that sounds familiar.] Cindy, the zookeeper, thinks this is a bad idea. It's the hot part of the day and the crocs will also go out to deeper water. However the swimmers (Brandon, Bobby Jon, Judd, maybe a few others too) don't even see a croc. Back at camp, they decide to make a new shelter and Margaret bosses everyone around. Judd and Bobby Jon really complain about her. Judd: "Starting by barking orders this early in the game is not a good idea."

Immunity Challenge
Competition: court-ball, modeled on an ancient Mayan game. (temp. 114 F / 45 C / 318 K)

The game is similar to basketball, but it is played on nets and the hoops are vertically aligned instead of horizontal as in basketball. Points / baskets will be played 3-on-3, first tribe to 5 points wins immunity. Also this is a catch-and-pass game, no running with the ball.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usScoring points for Yaxha: Brian, Rafe and Jaime (1 point each).
Scoring for Nakum: Danni (3 pts., pictured) and Blake (2 pts.).
Nakum win Immunity! Before the start of the last point, Stephenie asks Lydia and Brianna if they know what a pick is? They don't and Stephenie is a little frustrated. Then to make things worse Brianna looks like she isn't even trying. The other Yaxhas are yelling at Brianna to move (she doesn't).

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBack at camp, the scheming starts. Stephenie says "here we go again, why can't I get on a good tribe?" Amy (pictured) hurt her ankle during the game. She said she heard two snaps [or pops, but definitely not crackles]. Lydia tells us that she tries real hard. Jaime tells us that it looks like Brianna is going home. He says that he likes women who are "crazy and pretty, she's neither." [I don't know how crazy she is, but Brianna is pretty enough for me.] In private, Brianna says that "if there was a weak link today it was probably me." [Well girl, recognizing the problem is the first step. Why didn't she work the others to counter this perception?] Gary says that without a doubt athletic ability is the most important thing right now so they won't lose any more challenges.

Yaxha at Tribal Council
(paraphrased by me, not word for word)
Jeff Probst: Stephenie is TC getting familar?
Stephenie: Yes, I'm having flashbacks. I hate losing, it makes me sick. I was frustrated today at Immunity Challenge because they didn't know what a pick is.
Jeff Probst: Brianna is that fair?
Brianna: I don't think they hold it against me because I don't know what a pick is. [No, they hold it against you that you didn't really try to win.]
Lydia: I stunk today (at Immunity Challenge), but I did my best. [I think the others would agree with that.]
Jeff Probst: Are you guys outmatched athletically? [A leading question for Gary no doubt.]
Gary says athleticism is very important.
Amy says she's injured a little bit. She turned her ankle but it's not broken so she can play on.

Time to Vote:
Lydia gets 1 vote and Brianna 5 votes. As she leaves Brianna says "stay strong, kick Nakum's butt." As the credits roll, she says " . . . I'm athletic but not as much as the others . . ."

Jeff Probst "Eight days in and you've chosen the strategy of strength over weakness, which can be risky at times." [Does this mean that next week's Immunity Challenge is a hair styling and make-up quiz?]

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAlliances
Stephenie seems to hang out with Amy and Lydia a lot. Rafe and Stephenie seem to get along well too. Brian secretly helped Lydia. That leaves Gary all alone. It wouldn't surprise me if he's the next one gone from Yaxha. Over at Nakum it's harder to tell since they haven't been to TC for a while but Bobby Jon, Judd and Brandon seem to hang out together. They didn't seem to like Margaret much tonight. Nakum did select Brooke (pictured) to be their caller at the Reward Challenge so they must trust her at least a little bit.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usHeroes and Villains
On Yaxha I like Stephenie, I know she's a little cocky at times ("I'm the strongest woman here, they can't vote me off!") but she's sincere even if she doesn't fully understand this game. Rafe seems like a nice guy, but he doesn't get this game and is just floating by. He's a pawn waiting for someone to pick him up and coach him along in the game. Please let it be Stephenie. I'm afraid it will be Brian, who I think can play this game. On Nakum, I like Danni. The three amigos Bobby Jon, Judd and Brandon (pictured) are entertaining. I think Cindy is a player but I need more time to see whether or not I like her. Brooke is easy on the eyes.

Won Reward: Nakum
(blankets, lanterns)

Immunity: Nakum

Voted Off: Brianna

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Preview Episode 3

title: The Brave May Not Live Long, but the Cautious Don't Live at All
CBS, 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29, 2005
Episode #1103.

from the Survivor web site:
Smoldering heat forces some Survivors to cool off in the water, risking an encounter with crocodiles.

As a tribe attempts to rebuild their shelter, one member takes matters into their own hands and irritates the others.

Causing sleepless nights, an inconsiderate howler monkey drives one castaway crazy.

A termite-infested log becomes a delicacy for some castaways desperate for a change in their diet.

(What's a howler monkey look like? Howler Monkey at Wikipedia)

from Yahoo TV:
Some castaways ignore warnings and bathe in crocodile-infested waters; a howler monkey keeps one contestant awake; a termite-infested log becomes a delicacy to some of the islanders. (Sometimes the Yahoo description is different than the one on the Survivor web site.)

Rumors and spoilers are hard to come by for this episode. The usual suspects are considered ripe for being voted off: Brianna, Lydia and Blake. Some people think the title means Gary will be gone since he's been cautious in his dealings with the others. Most people seem to think Amy and her injury is just a red herring. There's also very little information about the types of challenges and which tribes win them. However one challenge looks like it uses an ancient Mayan game similar to basketball.

Note: if any rumors or juicy bits of information turn up before Survivor airs, I'll update this post.

Survivor Fantasy
What is going on with CBS' Survivor Fantasy online game? This season it is less than perfect to say the least. I tried to join all of the tribes that invited me to play and I ended up in three: Survivor Slackers, Survivorholics Anonymous and Kindalikalaya. If you invited me to be in your tribe and I didn't join it's because of a glitch in the CBS system.

Anyway, last week I started Judd (20 points), Danni (20), Gary (0) and Brandon (20). I'll probably start these four again this week (if I change my mind I'll update this post).

Has anyone tried playing at Fantasy Survivor ? Is it any good?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Survivor Instinct

Survivor Instinct
Second Thoughts and Sudden Thoughts About Survivor

Second Guessing Gary
When I first heard that Gary was planning on lying about his NFL past, I thought it was a good idea. Being a former pro athlete would make him a target on two levels (physical and financial), so lying seemed the way to go. I have since changed my mind.

Ultimately Survivor is a game about interpersonal relationships and anything that prevents someone from being themselves is a detriment to them in the game. Most sane and sensible people, like Gary, are not used to lying. At the very least, the others are bound to sense that something is just not quite right. Furthermore if they have a good reason to believe Gary is really lying (I think Danni will be able to convince them) then he is done for sure.

So how should Gary have dealt with his quarterbacking past? There are two issues that have to be handled and each to a certain extent can be dealt with the attitude of "that was so long ago." First the money issue, "that was 25 years ago and NFL players didn't make as much money as they do now, especially back-up QBs like I was." Also he could say that he didn't make enough money to retire on during his NFL career. That's why he works now in land development. Plus he has kids in college, etc., you get the picture.

Similarly he can allay their fears of his physical ability by saying that playing in the NFL hurts players later in life (it's true, bad knees - the whole bit, plus a shorter life expectancy). Gary could say "look I have trouble playing a round of golf now, let alone competing with twenty year-olds in a Survivor challenge."

However this can't help Gary now. He's started his lame web of deceit and it will end up being his downfall. To make things worse, he really is a bad liar.

"Remember Jerry, it's not a lie if you believe it."
        George Costanza, Seinfeld

"When in doubt, tell the truth."
        Mark Twain

Canadians on Survivor
Survivor Producer Mark Brunett recently brought up the prospect of Canadians on the American version of Survivor (for more info see yesterday's Survivor News Flash). I would welcome them. Survivor is a game about people and people from other countries would make it more interesting. How about having a Survivor Mother Tongue English? Native English speakers from Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand would get to compete. Would anyone else be interested in such a season of Survivor?

Survivor Maps
Look what I found: Survivor Guatemala Maps . These maps show the lake the Survivors are living on as well as where their camps are located. Tribal Council is also listed, along with several Challenge beaches.

Tomorrow night: Episode 3 preview.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Survivor News Flash

Survivor News Flash

Canadians to Get on Survivor - Maybe
Today, Rock Star: INXS. Tomorrow, Survivor? Executive producer Mark Burnett told The Toronto Sun yesterday that Nova Scotia-native J.D. Fortune's win could finally open the door to Canadian contestants on Survivor, The Apprentice and other big-money reality shows.

Thursday, September 22, 2005
via - 2005-09-22

Survivor Talk on Internet Radio!
Internet Radio Talk Show dedicated to talking about Survivor 11 Guatemala. Wednesday nights at 8pm CST on The Monks Media Radio Network (

Host Sean Cole will lead the conversation as people all across the world can call in or send instant messages and talk about the best reality show ever- Survivor!

Survival of the Fittest, Survivor Talk, The Monks Media Radio Network
Every Wednesday 8-9pm CST
Studio Line: 1-888-370-7522
AIM Screen Name: monksmedia (Survivor page)

Notes: Older shows are available online. I haven't listened yet, but will try to this wednesday. Wednesday's guest is scheduled to be Tom Westman, winner Survivor Palau.

Survivor TV Ratings Update
Survivor: Guatemala premieres to 18.4 million viewers, ranks as the week's top entertainment program.

By Steve Rogers, 09/21/2005 (from Reality TV World)

The premiere of Survivor: Guatemala just off to a strong start last Thursday, with the eleventh edition of the long-running CBS reality series drawing 18.4 million viewers and ranking as the week's top entertainment program among total viewers and both the Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 demographics.

Dominating the night in all key metrics, Survivor: Guatemala's September 15 debut averaged a 10.9/18 rating/share in households, a 8.0/21 in Adults 25-54, a 6.6/19 in Adults 18-49, and a 4.7/16 in Adults 18-34. Survivor also crushed its time period competition, topping the second place finisher in viewers (ABC's Prime Time Live) by 184%, in households (Prime Time Live) by 137%, in Adults 25-54 (Prime Time Live and Fox's The O.C.) by 220%, in Adults 18-49 (The O.C.) by 120%, and in Adults 18-34 (The O.C.) by 21%.

Although Survivor: Guatemala's performance was actually down slightly from last fall's premiere of Survivor: Vanuatu, most other broadcast network programming was still in repeats, resulting in Guatemala's premiere easily ranking as the week's top entertainment program.

Survivor: Guatemala's premiere ranked third in the weekly viewership rankings, behind only ABC's NFL Monday Night Football and CBS' 57th Annual Emmy Awards broadcasts. Survivor ranked even higher in the Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 rankings, where it placed second to only ABC's football broadcast.

Coming Tomorrow: Survivor Instinct - Second Thoughts About Gary