Sunday, December 11, 2005

Episode 14: the Finale As It Airs

As It Airs
Sunday Dec. 11, 8:00 pm ET GMT -5 hours
Survivor Guatemala, Episode 14 - the finale!
title: Thunderstorms and Sacrifice

This post will be updated as Survivor airs tonight.
Some people just can't wait to know what happens on Survivor. If you're one of those people then this post is for you. Note: you may need to hit the refresh/reload button on your browser to see the updates.

Started about 25 minutes late.
(football must have run long)
8:33 pm ET, re-cap of season over.

First Interview: Lydia.

Chicken sacrifice done by local people.

Immunity Challenge 1
Type of Challenge: Most complex Survivor Maze - Ever!. Rafe won Immunity.

Tribal Council 1
First Questioned: Rafe. Lydia was voted off.

Tribute to all the Survivors voted off. Pictures collected and sacrificed in fire.

Immunity Challenge 2
Type of Challenge: Balance, Endurance and Concentration. Rafe out first.Danni won Immunity.

Tribal Council 2
First Questioned: Stephenie. Rafe was voted off.

The Final 2 are:
Danni and Stephenie

The Jury: BJ and Rafe easy on Steph. Judd entertaining. Time to Vote: Judd shown voting for Dani [sic] and Rafe for Stephenie.

Here comes Jeff with the votes . . . (reunion Live from Los Angeles)

Danni wins $1,000,000!
votes: 4 to 1 (shown, was probably 6 to 1.)

That ends my updates tonight. I hope you all enjoy my Survivor blog. I will be blogging Survivor 12 in the spring: Survivor 12 .

Check back Monday night
for my usual, full length review / recap.